Access 3 free MindManager templates that facilitate knowledge management!

Simplify knowledge management with MindManager®. Get started today with these free templates that facilitate and support knowledge management within your organization.

Generic Workbook template

This template Workbook consists of a blank Working map, with a template Coaching map embedded in the central topic.

The Coaching Map template supplies a framework for building a coaching map for any subject. This template can be used by a subject expert or a MindManager user who is supporting a subject expert to build a workbook about a specialized subject.

The empty Working map provides a framework for a specific task or process, such as creating a document or a plan. The template Coaching map underscores the Working Map by describing the process behind that task, so that other users can then replicate it and “learn by doing”. This method of “learning by doing” enables users to better capture and understand concepts and processes by performing the tasks described in each document or plan.

Small Project Workbook template

This template Workbook consists of a blank Working map, with a template Coaching map embedded in the central topic.

The Working map is the starting point for a map that describes and tracks a small project. It is based on the popular MoSCoW (must have, should have, could have and would have) analysis tool. A Small Project is an ad-hoc project that does not require official project management, control and reporting. For larger, more complex projects, use the Generic Workbook described above.

The Coaching map describes the approach, strategies and method for successfully delivering a small project. It helps the project owner to plan and execute their project and promotes future successful outcomes by capturing lessons from successes and failures.

This workbook can be used in two ways:

  • As-is, to define and deliver a small project.
  • It can be customised to personalize it for the user's organization. For example, the Coaching map could be extended with preferred techniques, or include information about project management or MindManager communities within the user's organization. It then becomes the preferred template for small projects within the organization, rather than just an individual approach.

Knowledge Transfer Workbook template

This template Workbook consists of a blank Working map, with a template Coaching map embedded in the central topic.

The Working map is the starting point for a map that describes and tracks a Knowledge Transfer project. This would be used to prepare for the departure of key personnel (in order to manage risk upon their departure), or to extend the capabilities and capacities of a team by sharing critical knowledge.

The Coaching map describes the approach, strategies and method for creating and executing a Knowledge Transfer Plan. It helps a facilitator to deliver a knowledge transfer project and learn lessons from successes and failures.

This workbook can be used in two ways:

  • As-is, to define and deliver a knowledge transfer initiative.
  • It can be customised to personalise it for the user's organization. For example, the Coaching map could be extended with information about support from HR, other knowledge management specialists in the organization, or external specialists that can help. There may also be prior experience of knowledge transfer that can be integrated into the basic coaching map, making this a template that can be used across the organization.

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